Friday, June 28, 2013

Colorado Springs Hears From Public Regarding Retail Sales of Pot

According to The Gazette, roughly 60 people appeared last night at the Colorado Springs City Council Town Hall meeting to discuss whether that city should opt-in or opt-out of retail sales of marijuana. After Colorado voters approved Amendment 64 last November, local municipalities and counties were given the option to decide whether or not retail sales of marijuana would be allowed.

Manitou Springs city officials have gone on record as preferring a wait-and-see approach to how Colorado Springs deals with retail marijuana sales before voting a ban or approval of retail sales of marijuana. Manitou Springs city administrator Jack Benson, according to the Pikes Peak Bulletin, believes a temporary moratorium is the solution. "I think getting pushed into regulating something ahead of time before we know the answers doesn't seem prudent."

Mayor Marc Snyder has complained about the possibility Manitou Springs could be the only city with retail sales of marijuana in El Paso county. Snyder has cited concerns of Manitou being "overrun by a dozen retail centers and become a mecca for marijuana activity."

Colorado's Amendment 64 was touted by supporters and activists as a way to "Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol" and was approved by a majority of Manitou voters. Recent research indicates there are at least 30 liquor licenses operating in Manitou Springs.

No word yet whether Snyder believes the city is a mecca for alcoholic activity.

"There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns; there are things we do not know we don't know." - former US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfield

Colorado Springs city council is expected to vote on the issue of retail marijuana sales within that city's limits on July 23.

- June 28, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Manitou Springs City Council: Website Information

The Manitou Springs city government website provides a rich source of information for residents and businesses. For people interested in what the city council does (or doesn't do), this is a good start: you can download the council's agenda and minutes of meetings and read for yourself what has been entered into the public record.

According to documents posted here, the city originally purchased 30 parking kiosks at a cost of $6,900 each, at half the original price of $13,794.00/ea. The city now owns at least 39 kiosks. In the same link, invoices from Standard Parking Corporation to the city can also be found, detailing expenses from the paper used in kiosks to the modems the kiosks use.

Happy readings ...

- June 27, 2013

Hello, Manitou Springs!

Welcome to the first ever publication of the Manitou Times. The purpose of the Times is to provide residents and businesses in Manitou Springs an interactive, online platform to share news, information, events, updates, and social and political commentary about our small city of more than 5,000 people.

Citizen journalism, recognized as an important part of this country's early beginnings, is the principle behind the founding of the Times. Currently, no journalism-driven newspaper, website, or radio station is dedicated to news about Manitou; perhaps this is one reason why many residents are angry and upset about the new pay-to-park program.

Naturally, the first few posts will focus on the pay-to-park program. Since the program went into effect in late May, it has become apparent many residents lacked information about how the program was created, voted/passed by city council, and its eventual implementation, which has caused far more controversy.

Therefore, the Manitou Times.

Not all posts will be about parking programs or politics: future posts will include topics covering the nightlife in Manitou Springs, as well as information about food, art, and ... well, let's start small and see how it goes.

By the way, my name is Joshua Dawson and I am not a professional journalist. I do run the I Love Manitou Springs Facebook and Twitter (and Pinterest, Tumblr, G+, etc.). 

- June 27, 2013